MathJax, Jekyll and github pages

Integrating MathJax with Jekyll is a very convenient way of typesetting mathematics in a blog hosted on github pages. There are a few guides online, which were (almost) helpful in acheiving this on a github hosted site. The steps, as of September 2016, are:

Ensure the markdown engine is set to kramdown in _config.yml. This is now the only supported markdown processor on github pages, so this should be set anyway.

Include a new file in _includes named _mathjax_support.html (a clever idea from here):

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    TeX: {
      equationNumbers: {
        autoNumber: "AMS"
    tex2jax: {
    inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'] ],
    displayMath: [ ['$$', '$$'] ],
    processEscapes: true,
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("Math Processing Error",function (message) {
	  alert("Math Processing Error: "+message[1]);
MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook("TeX Jax - parse error",function (message) {
	  alert("Math Processing Error: "+message[1]);
<script type="text/javascript" async

The bottom two hooks alert the user/writer about math and tex errors.

Importantly, in contrast to older guides online, note the https in the MathJax CDN. Unencrypted access to the CDN is a security risk and now will either not render in some browsers (didn’t work in Chrome for me), or will issue warnings in other browsers (Firefox). See the MathJax documentation for more information.

Next, include in the <head> of _layouts/default.html:

{% if page.use_math %}
{% include mathjax_support.html %}
{% endif %}

Now to include $\LaTeX$ in a post you just need set the variable use_math: true in the YAML front-matter of the page/post! Enclose inline formulas in $s and display formulas in $$s. For instance,

K(a,b) = \int \mathcal{D}x(t) \exp(2\pi i S[x]/\hbar)


$$ K(a,b) = \int \mathcal{D}x(t) \exp(2\pi i S[x]/\hbar) $$


Note that any equations requiring alignment (use of ampersand &) need some care. The solution I found was to wrap any of these elements in <div>’s.

Changing typeset fontsize

Add the following to MathJax.Hub.Config:

CommonHTML: {
  scale: 85

Some references:

  • – no longer seems to work
  • MathJax guide:
  • MathJax details:
