The computational brain – understanding learning algorithms in neural circuitry

Ben Lansdell, Bioengineering UPenn

Western University. February 13th 2020

How can we understand the brain's role in thought and behavior?

Some neuroscience basics

  • Neurons have a tree-like structure: dendrites (roots), soma (cell body), axon (trunk)
  • Electrically exciteable -- spikes travel along the axon to the dendrites of other neurons
  • Synapses -- connections between two neurons

Some numbers:

  • Human brain: 86 billion neurons
  • Each neuron may synapse with 1000-10000 other neurons

How can we understand the brain's role in thought and behavior?

  • We have little idea how to treat brain disease -- treat symptoms

Hampel et al 2018

$\Rightarrow$ An open question: what are the right levels of analysis and concepts?

How does neural activity perform computations that generate our thoughts and behavior?

  • Computation as a model for reasoning (and thought more generally?)

$\Rightarrow$ Why might this be the case? And what does it look like to answer questions in this way?


  1. The historical answer: computation and the mechanization of reasoning
  2. Computational neuroscience: the information processing and computational abilities of networks of neurons
  3. An example: the search for the learning algorithms of the brain

Computation and mathematical reasoning


  • Acquisition of knowledge through reason
  • Inspired by Greek mathematics: Euclid's Elements
  • 17th century thinkers: Descartes, Spinoza, Liebniz

Computation and mathematical reasoning


  • Acquisition of knowledge through reason
  • Inspired by Greek mathematics: Euclid's Elements
  • 17th century thinkers: Descartes, Spinoza, Liebniz

Computation and mathematical reasoning


  • Acquisition of knowledge through reason
  • Inspired by Greek mathematics: Euclid's Elements
  • 17th century thinkers: Descartes, Spinoza, Liebniz

Computation and mathematical reasoning

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716):

  • Philosopher, inventor, mathematician (inventor of calculus)
  • Designed adding machines
  • Wanted to build reasoning machines
    • Calculus ratiocinator
    • Universal characteristic

Computation and mathematical reasoning

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716):

  • Philosopher, inventor, mathematician (inventor of calculus)
  • Designed adding machines
  • Wanted to build reasoning machines:
    • Calculus ratiocinator
    • Universal characteristic

Computation and mathematical reasoning

George Boole (1815 – 1864):

  • Boolean algebra: logic as mathematics

"The English logician George Boole, in the 1850s, was among the first to formulate the idea--in his famous book The Laws of Thought--that thinking itself follows clear patterns, even laws, and that these laws could be mathematized. For this reason, I like to refer to this law-bound vision of the activities of the human mind as the "Boolean Dream."
– Douglas Hofstadter

Computation and mathematical reasoning

Charles Babbage (1791 - 1871):

  • Mathematician, inventor, philosopher, engineer
  • First programmable mechanical computer (punch cards)

Computation and mathematical reasoning

Alan Turing (1912 - 1954):

  • Code breaker, mathematician, inventor
  • Designed stored-program computer, ACE
  • Wanted to build reasoning machines
  • Turing machines (proposed 1936) based on models of human computers

Computation and mathematical reasoning

Alan Turing (1912 - 1954):

  • Code breaker, mathematician, inventor
  • Designed stored-program computer, ACE
  • Wanted to build reasoning machines
  • Turing machines (proposed 1936) based on models of human computers

Computation and mathematical reasoning

Alan Turing (1912 - 1954):

  • Code breaker, mathematician, inventor
  • Designed stored-program computer, ACE
  • Wanted to build reasoning machines
  • Turing machines (proposed 1936) based on models of human computers

Computation and mathematical reasoning

  • Computers have a long, intertwined history with formal systems of reasoning
  • In cognitive science today – computationalism: mental states are computational states

Computation and mathematical reasoning

  • Computers have a long, intertwined history with formal systems of reasoning
  • In cognitive science today – computationalism: mental states are computational states

Computation and mathematical reasoning

  • Computers have a long, intertwined history with formal systems of reasoning
  • In cognitive science today – computationalism: mental states are computational states


  1. The historical answer: computation and the mechanization of reasoning
  2. Computational neuroscience: the information processing and computational abilities of networks of neurons
  3. An example: the search for the learning algorithms of the brain

What is a computer?

A device that performs calculations

  • Input-output
  • Processes information -- internal states represent external states

Interested in computation of $y = f(x)$:

  • There exists mapping from physical inputs to $x$, and from physical outputs to $y$
  • The physical system evolves such that $y = f(x)$

What is a computer?

A device that performs calculations

  • Input-output
  • Processes information -- internal states represent external states

Interested in computation of $y = f(x)$:

  • There exists mapping from physical inputs to $x$, and from physical outputs to $y$
  • The physical system evolves such that $y = f(x)$

E.g. the 'x 2' computer: $y = 2x$

What is a computer?

Modern computers: digital, serial, electronic

What is a computer?

But not necessarily:

The brain as a computer

The brain:

  • input-output: stimulus-response
  • represents features of the outside world, and manipulates those representations – an information processing device

Brette 2019

$\Rightarrow$ Want an account of how it performs these information processing tasks

The brain as a computer

Marr's three levels of analysis:

  • Computational: what is the system doing
  • Algorithmic: what method is it using to perform the task
  • Implementation: what physical substrate is used to implement the algorithm


  1. The historical answer: computation and the mechanization of reasoning
  2. Computational neuroscience: the information processing and computational abilities of networks of neurons
  3. An example: the search for the learning algorithms of the brain

How does the brain learn?

Learning – improving performance over time

Find parameters $\theta$ of learner that minimize loss/maximize performance function, $\mathcal{R}$

Problem setup

Image recognition:

  • Assume we can draw images $x$ and labels $y$ from a distribution $\rho$
  • Let $\hat{y} = f(x;w)$ be a function that outputs predictions of label given image $x$

Aim: make predictions close to true labels

$$ w^* = \text{argmin}_w\mathbb{E}_\rho[L(y, f(x; w))] $$
  • $L(y,\hat{y})$ our measure of closeness. E.g. mean squared error, cross-entropy loss
  • $\mathcal{R} = \mathbb{E}_\rho[L(y, f(x; w))]$

The model learner

Assume $f(x;w)$ is a neural network.

  • $h_i = \sigma(W h_{i-1})$
  • $W$ are synaptic strengths/weights

Gradient-based optimization

How to update weights $w$?

  • Update weights using first order gradient info
  • Gradient Descent: $$\Delta w = -\eta \frac{\partial \mathcal{R}}{\partial w}$$ Approximate with our data: $\mathcal{R} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^N L(y_n, f(x_n; w))$
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent: $$\Delta w = -\eta \frac{\partial \mathcal{R}}{\partial w}$$ Approximate with randomly sampled batch of data: $\mathcal{R} = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^M L(y_i, f(x_i; w))$
  • Can be helpful to add inertia (momentum)

Gradient-based optimization

Algorithms to compute gradients

Use the backpropagation algorithm

$$ \mathbf{e}^i = \begin{cases} \partial R/\partial \hat{\mathbf{y}}\circ \sigma'(W^{i}\mathbf{h}^{i-1}), & i = N+1;\\ \left((W^{i+1})^\mathsf{T} \mathbf{e}^{i+1}\right)\circ \sigma'(W^{i}\mathbf{h}^{i-1}), & 1 \le i \le N \end{cases}, $$
  • Then $\frac{\partial R}{\partial \mathbf{h}^i} = (W^{i+1})^T \mathbf{e}^{i+1}$

Use a reinforcement learning algorithm

  • Assume for a given input, a neuron has noise in its output $$\tilde{h} = h + \xi, \quad \xi \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$$
  • Can show $$ \frac{\partial \mathcal{R}}{\partial h} \approx \mathbb{E}(\mathcal{R} \xi)$$

Which of these does the brain use?

Reinforcement learning: biologically plausible

  • A neuron needs to update its synapses proportional to $\mathcal{R}\xi$
  • $\mathcal{R}$ can be communicated to all neurons in the network by a neurotransmitter
  • e.g. dopamine – known to be involved in signalling reward prediction error
But: very very slow... variance in estimator of gradient scales with number of neurons in the network

Which of these does the brain use?

Backpropagation: hah, yeah right

$$ \mathbf{e}^i =\left((W^{i+1})^\mathsf{T} \mathbf{e}^{i+1}\right)\circ \sigma'(W^{i}\mathbf{h}^{i-1}),$$
  • An implementation of BP would seem to require a complementary network that communicates error in a top-down fashion
  • This network has weights that are the transpose of the weights in the original network

Does the brain perform gradient-based optimization?


  • Deep neural networks (trained using BP) are the only model that can solve challenging image-recognition problems
  • Layers of neurons in cortex do contain both feedback and feedback connections
  • Exact feedback weights may not be strictly necessary
  • Pyramidal neurons in cortex are compartmentalized... for performing two separate computations?
So... maybe?


  • The brain as a computer
  • What algorithms does it use to learn?
  • Computation is a general concept, so the correspondance between current ML solutions to (say) image recognition and the brain's visual system is by no means automatic
  • A very active area of research
  • Many tools from physics can help:
    • Learning dynamics, optimization
    • Dynamics of large populations of connected, noisy neurons -- statistical mechanics